About Us
This directory of beaches in Costa Rica, PlayasEnCR.com, is a member of a network of directories called DirectoriosEnCR.com. This network started with commercial directories. We decided to create this series of directories since there was a real need in the country to have good online directories to find goods and services. Therefore, we created a directory of restaurants in Costa Rica (RestaurantesEnCR.com), a directory of doctors (DoctoresEnCR.com), a directory of hotels (HotelesEnCR.com), a directory of lawyers (AbogadosEnCR.com), a directory of veterinarians (VeterinariosEnCR.com) and a directory of companies in general (DirectorioEnCR.com). After that, and inpired by the lack of information about the beautiful beaches of our country, we decided to create this guide.
Looking for a beach
This directory is designed to be very easy to use. From the homepage you can start your search. You can choose a province or decide to search the whole country. Then you will see a list of type of activities you can do in the beaches of that area. If you prefer, you can search based on the name of the beach by accesing the complete alphabetical list of all the beaches in the directory.
Did you find what you were looking for? Collaborate
We expect with this effort to help many people find the beach they are seeking and we appreciate any collaboration you like to give us in return. There are many ways to cooperate with the directory, for example, we would greatly appreciate if you can write information about a beach and send it to us. In addition, any monetary donation of course is welcomed:


Beaches in Costa Rica - member of the network: Directorios en Costa Rica
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